Asset Liability Management
VBC’s modeling value proposition is simple: Your Success is Our Priority. We provide strategic advice, recommendations and insight to help with the challenges of managing balance sheet risks, maintaining regulatory compliance and maximizing performance. VBC offers a full suite of customizable services, ranging from individual components to a comprehensive fully integrated risk management modeling program.
VBC provides a full suite of modeling and validation services to ensure your CECL reserve and modeling process is robust, accurate, and tailored to the specific needs of your institution. Institutions should balance the need for an accounting number with taking into consideration the potential for integrating credit risk into earnings and capital decision making.
Product Analytics
Behavior assumptions and forecasts for non-maturity deposits, time deposits and loan prepayments are critical inputs for accurate risk measurement and effective balance sheet management. VBC offers a comprehensive suite of deposit and loan behavior analysis services that are both flexible and customizable in order to best meet your specific objectives, available data and budgets.
Financial Crimes
The current financial crimes environment has zero tolerance for inadequate risk management programs and we continue to see increasing regulatory action for institutions with program weaknesses. To assist with managing these risks, many institutions have implemented BSA/AML, Fraud and OFAC systems that the examiners consider models and thus require FRB: SR 11-7/OCC: 2011-12/FDIC: FIL-22-2017 compliant independent model validations.
VBC Advisors
Critical to deployment of MRM, GRC, Climate Risk and ESG reporting solutions is ensuring that data and technology can be accessed and implemented in a cost-effective and timely manner. VBC has deep knowledge of industry best practices, available software and technology solutions, and regulatory requirements to guide financial institutions and related entities throughout this process and journey.
Model Validations
In addition to ensuring your models are regulatory compliant, VBC’s experienced model validation team offers valuable insights to enhance your MRM program and maximize your models as effective risk management and business decision tools.
What's the potential cost of not leveraging the experience, tools, and talent VBC brings to the table?