Prognoses from VBC for the Regulatory Road Ahead
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About VBC

Our Philosophy

We provide risk management and consulting services to banks, credit unions and fintech companies. Since our inception we have helped institutions improve their overall financial management process and balance sheet performance while effectively managing risk and meeting regulatory compliance.

An Industry Leader

The VBC services combine industry-leading best practice and extensive experience to deliver the most comprehensive and robust solutions and reports in the industry. We customize effective risk management solutions using a detailed approach to attain optimum balance sheet performance while managing risk and maintaining regulatory compliance.

A Process Customized to Organization Needs

VBC does not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, solution or deliverable. We customize each engagement to meet the needs of the institution, and allow for future modifications when needed. Our reports are specifically designed with the end user in mind, supported with transparent methodologies and vetted annually by regulatory agencies.

Hugh Blaxall

Hugh Blaxall

Managing Partner
Brian Velligan

Brian Velligan

Managing Partner
Josh Salzberg

Josh Salzberg

Jamie Sumner

Jamie Sumner

John-Carl “J.C.” Brew

John-Carl “J.C.” Brew

Managing Director, Credit Review
Mark Calnon Ph.D.

Mark Calnon Ph.D.

Managing Director, Quantitative & Econometric Analytics
Kiyomi Carbone

Kiyomi Carbone

Managing Director, Model Risk Consulting
James Glueck

James Glueck

Managing Director, VBC Advisors
John Grote

John Grote

Managing Director, Model Validations
Mike McLaughlin

Mike McLaughlin

Managing Director, Financial Crimes
Allison Merchiore

Allison Merchiore

Managing Director, Risk Management & Reporting
Chris Schmitz

Chris Schmitz

Managing Director, Model Validations
Amy Illich

Amy Illich

Director, Quantitative Modeling
Emmanuel Olivas

Emmanuel Olivas

Director, Financial Crimes
Christine A. Sessa

Christine A. Sessa

Director, Risk Management & Reporting
Shane Spradling

Shane Spradling

Director, Model Validations
Ask Yourself...

What's the potential cost of not leveraging the experience, tools, and talent VBC brings to the table?